Monday, 12 August 2013

Island Reference pictures

I am basing my work of a Scottish Island called St Kilda. I am aiming for a highlander type of mountain range, with large grass plains and rocky outcrops.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Week 1 lecture reflection.


Being the first lecture, it is a bit hard to relate it too your work because you have none, however the whole island idea is pretty interesting. I also found the urban environment of the student who created the central station representation pretty nice, especially when you can relate the environment and see it in a different context.

Week 1 video notes

Customising the editor

1.       Drag and drop windows onto each other to create tabs and save apace
2.       Right click on the empty space around the toolbars at the top to enable/disable them.
3.       Tools à customise keyboard – to open the customise window, which enables customization of many things – toolbars, commands shortcuts ect.
4.       Tools à preferences: advanced customisation  (undo levels) toolsà preferences à view ports à general à viewport display à highlight geometry  on mouse over.
5.       Tools à config user commands – creates panals of commands that you commonly use.

Viewport controls:

1.       Hold shift to move faster
2.       To save camera tag points control + F1 to save each different position. To load the position shift = F1. Can use all “F” keys to assign to tag points (F1 to F12).
3.       To toggle helpers press the button above the display info or shift + space. Then space to entre  pre vis mode.

User Interface Panels (UI panels)

1.       Select objects – CTRL + T, - for overview of all objects in the scene, useful for searching and quickly selecting objects.
2.       Open asset browser allows you to browse for models, brushes, textures and sounds – can drag and drop objects into the scene.
3.       Database view (DB) useful for tweaking values for entities, vegetation.
4.       Lighting, can change multiple settings to do with lighting in the time of day tab, click on toggle advanced properties to display even more parameters

5.       FG or flowgraph for scripting your level; by connecting nodes.